March 23, 2012

Exigence and Revelation

In "Genre as Social Action", Miller writes that "rhetorical genres stem from organizing principles found in recurring situations that generate discourse characterized by a family of common factors" (153). These genres can be as varied, simplistic, or specific as the types related by M. A. K. Halliday: "'players instructing novice in a game,' 'mother reading bedtime story to child,' 'customer ordering goods over the telephone,' 'teacher guiding pupils,' 'discussion of a poem,' and the like" (157). The only real criteria is that they represent a recurring situation. In the case of Daniel's "Public Secrets", the type or genre is that of female inmate inside prison relating story to person from outside. (Although I don't think I have space to go in to it here, the inside/outside dynamic of Daniel's piece really interested me.) There is also the genre of marginalized/forgotten woman relating story to listener, such as the woman who describes how "so many women... at one point or another before they ever committed a crime, said 'Help'" and were ignored (Misty Rojo, "Public Secrets". Statements like this and others make the presence of a willing listener essential to the genre.

Behind the rhetorical genres and recurring situations is exigence, which I have tried (perhaps unsuccessfully to understand). What I think I know is that when it comes to relating a story, exigence is predetermined. It is the "factual component" (156) or the actuality of a situation, and it is objective. It also seems to form a cycle with rhetorical action, as rhetorical action stems from exigence and then leads back around to it again.
The fact that exigence is objective leads to difficulty in applying it to "Public Secrets" and works of any genre, because the voices of a piece such as "Public Secrets" are subjective. Miller asks if "rhetorical situation is not material and objective, but a social construct... how are we to understand exigence, which is at the core of the situation?" (157).

The problem is that genre is related to individual situations, which are subjective, and exigence is in the social world, not in individual perceptions. It is the bare bones of the way things are in society, but it is exigence which links the individual situations and perceptions to form "an objectified social need" (157). As I understand it, without exigence as the overarching social situation there is no way for individual stories to come together into social action.

Herbert Blumer says that "the preponderant portion of social action in a human society, particularly in a settled society, exists in the form of recurrent  patterns of joint action" (qtd. Miller, 158). This is what Daniel is accomplishing in "Public Secrets". By bringing together many voices she creates a recurrent situation, and by acting through the exigence or actuality of that situation moves toward social change. The existence of the recurrent provides insight into the human condition. In this case, through the voices of many women we learn the state not only of female inmates specifically, but of minority and lower-class women and the ways they are ignored. They were ignored as one voice, but many voices are more difficult to refuse. Working through the exigence of the situation, Daniels and the women she interviews are "[provided with] an occasion, and thus a form, for making public [their] private versions of things" (158). While the state of women's prisons in Southern California is unfortunately a "Public Secret", it is a secret told from the outside, and perhaps telling it from the inside will be a step towards social change.


Tessa said...

I really liked your summation of exigence as essentially the "overarching social situation" that acts as the glue or thread between different individuals' stories. I think we know from the previous unit and this one as well that complete objectivity in language doesn't exist. But there is undeniably some objective truths in social situations, or else we wouldn't keep seeing the same tropes used over and over again. I realized this after listening to many of these women's stories, that although each one had a different and unique story, there were undeniable similarities (besides simply all being prisoners). They had all felt the sting of dehumanization by a system that was supposed to be administering justice. Certainly knowing this is a great step, but making other people accept and acknowledge this reality will be much more difficult... especially considering the demographic makeup of most prisons.

Emily Barnett said...

Very interestingly put, my dear. I am going to try, perhaps somewhat failingly, to add to this.

You mentioned that "The problem is that genre is related to individual situations, which are subjective, and exigence is in the social world, not in individual perceptions", and I have to say I find it harder to separate genre from exigence the way you have. What I gathered from Miller's essay was that rhetorical genre is such an impossible and complex problem because it is inseparable from exigence. Miller says that rhetorical situation, from which the attempts as rhetorical classification and genre are formed, "is not material and not objective, but a social construct" and that exigence "is at the core of the matter" (157).

I agree when you say that attempts at making categories and genres out of rhetorical situations is subjective, and in its subjectivity it is limiting and confining, and that is why it fails. Exigence is "located in the social world, neither in a private perception nor in material circumstance" (157) but nor does it lack individual perceptions, as you seem to be implying. I think that is why your statement "The fact that exigence is objective leads to difficulty in applying it to "Public Secrets" and works of any genre, because the voices of a piece such as "Public Secrets" are subjective." caught my attention so much.

I don't think that the difficulty in application lies in the notion that exigence is completely objective, because I don't think it is. It's not purely individual, but neither is it purely objective either, because all social situations and general social thought had to start out at a more individual level, but as public opinion grows (usually lead by some larger social prompt, such as religion, political figures, fear, or a desire to maintain that ignorance is bliss) is goes from something made from collective individual experience to something much more unquestioningly accepted and muted in terms of active thought.

I think what makes Daniel's work so through provoking here is not that the female prisoners' words are subjective, but that they are so collectively negative in their subjectivity as a group. The idea "women's prison experiences are negative and degrading" is the swaying mode of exigence on the inside, while the neutral (and much larger) general mode of exigence on the outside either doesn't know or doesn't care. It's not so much outside objective versus inside subjective, but two differently operating types of exigence that work in the outside-inside spheres.

Ugh, I think I've confused myself more. But oh well.

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