February 3, 2012

PETA Anti-Porn

Upon looking over the PETA images in the slideshow, I was reminded of the lines in Welling's article regarding the voyeuristic nature of the "Ecoporn" being discussed. Namely, I'm referring to the "marginalized, decontextualized, powerless, speechless, unknowing, endangered, pleasure-giving, commodified, consumable...object." The parallels between these lines and the images shown are hardly unnoticeable! If this is true, meat-eating consumers are equated to the (unjustly) predatory "male" viewers addressed in the line beforehand: "omniscient, all-powerful, potentially violent, pleasure-taking, commodifying..."

It seems as though PETA puts forth a "call to action," alerting the "all-powerful" but "potentially violent" Omnivores that they can use their apex-predator human powers for good, instead of evil. I doubt, however, the efficacy of the shock technique, as in the photo of the severed cow's head. PETA continues to put out these images which probably actually hurt their reputation for being red-paint-slinging moral terrorists, rather than functionally helping their cause.

While "Ecoporn" is supposed to be aesthetically pleasing in such a way that it invokes emotion or empathy, PETA's promotional propaganda could be classified as Anti-EcoPorn because of its jarring, repugnant nature.

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