Locke states, "Though everything said in the text be infallibly true, yet the reader may be, nay, cannot choose but be, very fallible in the understanding of it. Nor is it to be wondered, that the will of God, when clothed in words, should be liable to that doubt and uncertainty which unavoidably attends that sort of conveyance," (Locke 824). Though it is a long quote, I think it gives note to how people can make mistakes in understanding important texts such as the Bible. Locke states that words are "instruments of knowledge" and that controversies can be handled through the study of the imperfections of words and the complex ideas that are behind them. One notable controversy is the way in which the Westboro Baptist church understands the Bible. They take the Bible in a very controversial way and react in hate and anger towards people who they think are not holding up to the ways of the Bible. The controversy is that other other divisions of the Christian church take on a different interpretation of the words in the Bible and believe that hate is not the correct meaning. I believe that Westboro Baptist church is a prime example of Locke's argument, that words are subject to imperfection for different and possibly misguided individuals could hold different sets of complex ideas behind the sounds that come from our mouths. In conclusions, Westboro Baptist church needs to be dealt with and their oppression and hate against other people is very very very misguided.
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