February 27, 2012

Heteroglossia in my Apartment

Personal Anecdote:
My roommate is from Saudi Arabia and his country is a theocracy. He is a lawyer in his country, and I have been learning much about their customs from him. One night while eating Al Kabsah on the floor with our hands, we began to discuss blood.  He has told me that in Saudi Arabia, your bloodline is a significant part of who you are. Members of a tribe share a common ancestor. The tribes function communally, so goods and ‘support’ are exchanged within tribes. At first I was somewhat intrigued by this style of communal living but my roommate, Mohanned, was quick to add that the government has been trying to deconstruct these tribal structures because they often lead to violence. Much to my surprise, Mohanned’s friend asked me if we had anything similar to these tribes in America. The only thing I could think of were the Italian crime families. Mohanned said that he had seen the Godfather over 17 times.

The different voices of prose come from within
my apartment;
Apparitions of words only serve to "intensify unresolvable dialogues".(Bakhtin 291)
The words eventually disappear and friendship arises from the 'Godfather!'

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