February 20, 2012

Fascism? In America?

Ok, so we didn't get to the controversial quote on the board today which I was dying to talk about. It was:

"Our job... is to find all available ways of making the Hitlerite distortions of religion apparent, in order that politicians of his kind in America be unable to perform a similar swindle" (Burke 219).

The other day I watched this really interesting video which actually talk about this subject. The interview is with Chris Hedges about his book "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America". I know, I know, reeeeally controversial title, but the guy has credentials. He has a doctorate in theology, a Pulitzer prize, and he's a former New York Times Middle East bureau chief. So he's not just talking out of his... behind.


He also mentions interesting concepts that resonate with Burke, such as "the cult of personality", vilifying the other (homosexuals, "abortionists", etc.), promoting one message while actually undermining or destroying it (family, as Hedges talks about), a period of instability as a catalyst to Fascism, and so on. Seriously, if this interests you at all, you should watch it. It's a bit long, but definitely worth it.

(And as a note, I'm not saying I'm agreeing or disagreeing with him. It was just way too pertinent not to share.)

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